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There is an old house...

Jun 26, 2024

1 min read



There is an old house, surrounded by a dense forest, set in the middle of a vast lake. One can find no way into or out of the property, except by boat, and there is no boat to speak of. No other houses are in sight, save an abandoned wood cabin on the opposite end of the property. Beyond the lake, there are no signs of human life: no sounds of distant cars or trains; no emissions coming from factories; no smoke wafting from far away chimneys; and no church bells sustaining notes during evensong.

Within this house there are six children of varying years. They were brought to the property by their parents to be kept safe from a deadly pandemic that has swept the world. The children have little way of knowing what fate has fallen over their town, as mass communication no longer exists. They have no computers or television, phones or radios, electricity or running water, and they have seen no family, friends or outsiders appear on their land in the four years since they arrived.

The children abide by strict rituals, rules and commandments, fearing the worst should they veer off their course. But with the absence of adults, the children’s behavior slowly devolves, and these rules and formulas they live by turn increasingly distant and arcane.

Years of isolation have begun to psychologically impact the children. Their Garden of Eden sees disagreements and disputes sprout out of nothing and nowhere. Until finally, their paradise is on the verge of destruction.

Jun 26, 2024

1 min read



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